
Sunday, April 17, 2011

22 Weeks

The start of Week 22! It's amazing how "good" it feels to have a little person using your bladder as a kicking/punching bag in the middle of the day. I am beginning to feel more taps from B2K throughout the day and her Daddy is still impatiently waiting for her to kick him when he talks to her. Otherwise, the last 2 weeks have been "uneventful" as far as new things going on with B2K. We have our monthly OB visit tomorrow afternoon. Jay has high hopes that we will get to see our little spaghetti squash (don't worry, we didn't know what it was either until we saw the picture) but I think it will probably be a quick heartbeat check, urine test, and most likely scheduling our glucose screening for next month's appointment. In addition, I got us signed up for a tour of the maternity ward at Mercy Hospital for next Tuesday evening + birthing classes to start on June 22nd and go every Wednesday for 5 weeks. So a couple of other things checked off the list and that much closer to being "ready" (or at least prepared...I'm not sure "ready" is a word that I can use just yet).

As far as new things outside of baby's rapid development in the last 4 weeks, B2K's room is also developing rapidly. Daddy got the nursery furniture assembled. The crib, dresser and changing table are all put together and the nursery has shrunk significantly ; ) but it is all coming together nicely. The next phase consists of the closet organizer and to start washing the clothes that we have gotten so far and start to get organized in that aspect.

It's hard to believe that we now have less time left than we have gone through. 22 weeks down, 18 (or less) to go. April is over half way done so I can only imagine how fast the next 120 or so days is going to go! Jay will start racing in a couple of weeks to help "speed" the summer along even more. He has his first race on May 7th in Warrensburg then another one on May 21st in Newton. Unfortunately those will be the only two that I get to go to this year, which will be very odd for me!! I am sad about it but other things are taking precedence. We missed one special birthday party and I swore after that it would never happen again! Outside of racing, in typical Jay n Nita style, we are extremely busy pretty much all summer with golf league two nights a week (yes, I am golfing league as long as I can!), racing, kids' birthdays and parties, miscellaneous things that come up on top of getting the rest of B2K's stuff ready for her arrival. Needless to say, August will be here before we know it!!!

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