I never in a million years could have imagined what this would feel like. Parenthood has always been an "appealing" concept to me and something that I wanted to do...no one could have ever prepared me for the feelings that I would feel! Even watching some of my very close friends become parents in the last few years and watching them "change" and how they love their children endlessly; I still couldn't put those feelings into perspective until a days ago.
Alivia Kay
ann Kern was born August 18, 2011 at 6:37 pm. She weighed in at 8 lbs, 9 oz of pure perfection and 21" long. And she is absolutely precious in our lives!! We haven't determined who she looks like other than she has both of our traits that we have picked out. She still has her daddy's long "circus" feet as we saw in the u/s pictures. She has her mommy's nose and chin dimple and "temper" when it comes to waiting too long to eat! ; ) Most of all, she has her mommy and daddy's hearts 100%!!
The labor process was less than ideal but completely worth it as everyone told me would be the case. I woke up about 4:00 Thursday morning for my morning "pee" wake and some slight cramping. Didn't think much of it, tried drinking some water and walking them off, they weren't painful just annoying. After about an hour decided to try a shower and warned Jay that I would be taking a shower in which he responded "do I have time sleep some more" *sarcastic smile*. I took the shower and the cramping intensified a little bit but still nothing major. Another hour and Jay had to get up and get ready for work so I called the perinatal office and Dr. Hwang asked me to go to L & D and get checked; we did so. After an annoying journey in getting checked in (which we preadmitted for) and finally getting seen at about 8:15, we realized that we weren't going home...we were dialated between 4 and 5 and the doctor came in 30 minutes later when I was between 5 and 6 in minutes time. The dialation process went fas
t....I was at 10 cm by noon...then it went "down hill" from there. We started pushing by 2:00 and we were still pushing with horrendous back labor and contractions at 5:45 where we had to make the decision that this momma had nothing left (considering I was still fighting a cold too) and the doctor was not able to get her to even start crowning. We would push which she would go do the canal but retreat back after we stopped pushing. We had to resort to a c-section...thank god they were able to get my epidural to kick back in for the medication and didn't have to sedate me in which Jay would not have been allowed in the room with me. By 6:45 Jay was holding our little girl and beaming from ear to ear...even through his scrubs!!!
OMG- congratulation, she is just perfect.. Enjoy parenthood. x